Now more than ever, qualified chemists and active jobseekers are looking to the pages and platforms of C&EN for the latest news and their next career opportunity. And with over 100,000 print subscribers and over 98,000 active job board users, placing your next recruitment advertisement in the next issue of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) weekly magazine guarantees your company maximum exposure.

Pivoting your recruitment efforts digitally can allow your organization to reach a wider candidate audience and successfully fill your open scientific positions. All of our enhanced employer showcase ads, custom branded ads that provide your organization with better brand visibility, can be bundled with one of our 30 or 60-day online posting packages for bigger savings. And includes your company’s logo and color borders that can match your company’s brand guidelines–ensuring your ad stands out from the crowd.

Ready to map out your next recruitment advertisement campaign? Download our 2021 Recruitment Editorial Calendar and find the issues that best fit your scientific recruitment efforts.

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